irish studies造句
- Irish studies centre at beijing foreign studies university beiwai beiwai , in cooperation with funding from the embassy and nui maynooth , launched a new irish studies centre on 30 march
爱尔兰著名的话剧,如萨缪尔贝克特( samuel bechett )的经典话剧“等待戈多”也同时在中国登台演出。 - Because the irish study looked only at prescription records and not diagnoses , medical records , or the patients themselves , the researchers could not fully explore why women stopped taking tamoxifen
因为爱尔兰的研究只是调查了处方记录,而不是诊断,医疗文件或患者本身,研究者不能完全的了解为什么妇女停止服用他莫西芬。 - In 2007 , this includes the opening of an irish studies centre at the beijing foreign studies university in march ; an art exhibition organised by the 411 galleries called cead in china , which will run from february to may ; an art exhibition ,
在2004年的四月和五月,一些来自爱尔兰的顶尖的艺术家和表演者参加了在中国举办的非常受欢迎的爱尔兰艺术和文化节。 - It's difficult to see irish studies in a sentence. 用irish studies造句挺难的
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